It involves leprechauns, grilled cheese sandwiches, and a particular shade of purple.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cold casting link

So for anyone interested in how-to sculpey techniques, this guy posted one the most amazing tutorials I've ever seen. Definitely worth the time if you're interested.

Figured I'd post this, seeing as I...kinda forgot to a while back there...heh heh.?

Monday, August 06, 2007

screen cap

If you're not coming to the lan party this weekend, just ignore this post and see the previous one for sketches down below. Thank you.

Screen cap of a death match map I'm putting together (hopefully on time) for the lan this weekend

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Hey again. Been doodling and inking a bit lately. Thought I'd post some of the rough lines I've done.

Alright, first up is a fan art piece for Gunnerkrigg Court. Great art and storyline. Highly recommend checking it out.

After that is another fan art for The 300 (watched it again recently).

Now here's another (I know I know) fan art for PA.


And since Drake's doing one of Mikey for me, thought I'd do one of Leo.